Discoverflow | Saint Kitts and Nevis | FAQ | Page 2 | all

The changeover will take place over the next 7 days from today through March 29, 2016.

The fact is, and ECTEL has confirmed, that CWC does not need approval to merge in these markets. Consequently we are moving ahead with the launch and rebranding to Flow in all of our markets across the Caribbean.

No, until further advised there will be no change to your service.

On return to your home location, the settings will automatically be pushed to your mobile device and reflect Flow

All customers who have been switched over to our Superfast packages will receive a personal letter providing details of the new plans, rates and the end of the trial period.

For optimal performance, place the wireless modem in:

  • A central location in your home.
  • As high up as possible such as a shelf or within line of sight of your devices.
  • Avoid areas that may cause interference such as other electrical appliances or wireless devices (cell phones, cordless phones etc).
  • Avoid installing in an enclosed area such as closets.

If you visit our website. You will find our handy line-checker tool that will help you decide on which package is best suited for your individual needs.

You can download several applications that will perform this test for you.

To ensure that you get the most accurate measurement, please run this speed test from a PC or Laptop which is connected to the modem via a wired connection

This will depend on your existing package. The difference in rate is a nominal one, however the difference in speed is significant. Visit our website to see the new plans & prices.

You can opt out of the new plans and prices at anytime during your one month trial. To do this you will need to fill out the online form or speak to one of our retail agents.